Saturday, March 05, 2005

How to make a Pop Song: Part 1

To start with lets see what the Experts have to say:

Tips For Upcoming Writers

From Rodney "Darkchild" Jerkins

You can either be a lyric writer or a melody writer or a music writer.
The most important thing in writing a song is having a strong melody first.
Then write the lyrics to the melody. A song should usually have 2 verses,
B section, a bridge, and most importantly, a chorus (hook). The hook is the
most important part of the song because it is the part of the song that
repeats over and over again. Therefore it has to be the most catchy part.

Songwriting is so crucial because songs will last forever. A song equals 100%.
There is a 50% lyric portion and a 50% music portion, which equals a full
composition. Be sure not to use someone else's melody or lyrics or you
will be sued.

Concept writing is very important for writing songs. A great song needs a
great concept behind it. Be sure that melodies and lyrics compliment the
tracks and vice versa. And make sure you copyright all material written
or created by yourself

(c) copyright 2002 by Rodney Jerkins. All rights reserved.


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